Boostability Speaks at SLC|SEM
A big thank you and round of applause goes out to our Vice President of Marketing, Kelly Shelton, for representing Boostability on last night’s SLC|SEM panel, and even more thanks to all the Boosters that attended last night’s event and shared their #SLCSEM thoughts with us via social media.
See what’s buzzing from SLC|SEM attendees:
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SLC|SEM is Utah’s Leading Marketing Community. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality education/networking opportunities possible. Search marketing is our foundation but we are a great resource for any marketing professional. Our monthly events feature industry leading experts (local & national).
Wow! I love seeing so many people involved on Twitter during SLC SEM and getting the word out there! Sounds like it was an absolutely fantastic event.
The event was awesome! Kelly did a great job (of course) but the other executives brought a lot of good information to the table as well. All in all one of the better (and longer) SLCSEM events I have ever been to.
I’m so jealous! It seems like a truly fantastic event to have been at.
Definitely want to go to the next one!
Some great one liners and truth bombs in here!
Did you get a chance to go to SLCSEM?
I wish I would it know about this event!!! well I guess next time ..
They usually have one every month! You can get tickets via their site or through Boostability.
well that’s good to know! I will keep my eyes open for the next one! thanks for the info Caz
Your manager should send out an email letting you know. That’s how I find out about them.
thanks for the update Jeremy , I will tell my manager to let me know for the next #SLCSEM event
Does anyone know if there is an event in May? Are they monthly?
It was such a great time! I loved seeing so many executives on stage answering questions from not only others, but from their own employees! It was pretty cool seeing Daniel Wahlen from Google come and speak. If nothing else, my kid was pretty impressed that Google was there. Haha!
They are monthly, and they will send out the info a few weeks before the event.